Thursday, September 30, 2010

Dusk in Autumn: Hearing spooky songs as a child

Pursuing the root of how, during the preceding 20 days of falling-crime times, children have missed their vulnerability to scary things while growing up, I thinking about what some less obvious examples might be. What's an obvious example? When I was 6 or 7, my babysitter (a cool high school guy) let us view The Terminator, and about that time I used to stay out Aliens from the public library every week.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Make This Halloween One to Remember - The Apron Blog by Home Depot .

Halloween is a wonderful holiday filled with some very quick and funny memories for me.

I grew up just outside of Pittsburgh so when it came to Trick-or-Treating, it was always cold! I think my mom always trying to get heavy winter jackets over or under our costumes to make sure we were strong and competing against our friends to see exactly how many houses we could get to in those very short two hours.