Saturday, May 28, 2011

Empty Nest: Spooky Games

Spooky Games
When I was growing up, my cousins and I had a stint where we were really into playing the Ouija board and having seances. We simply couldn't get plenty of calling off the spirit world because it scared us and for some inane reason, we liked being scared.

One day we went to the home of the girls who lived behind my cousins- Beth and Hope- to play.

These girls lived in a huge two-story house and the press in their bedroom was as big as most people's rooms. After just goofing off for a while, we decided to use the Ouija board to address up some spirits which was NOT a big surprise, we always ended up doing this, so we all went into the closet.

I look to recall us all in set up clothes, looking like gypsies. We carefully put our hands onto the planchette (don't be impressed, I Googled it) and Beth or Hope began to call the spirit of Mary Todd Lincoln (I don't know.maybe we were into account also-or maybe she's the one we heard the tale about who was buried alive because her fingernails had grown and there were scratch marks on the lid of her coffin-Geez, we truly WERE weird).

We had also heard all the stories about people going into trances and not coming second and hearing the voices of the liquor they called forth, etc. Well, as we were all concentrating, we heard noises coming from the chamber and started getting a small bit scared. We looked at one another with full eyes and whispered things like, "What was that?" "Did you see that?" "What are we release to do?"

About that same time, we noticed that my cousin D's eyes were shut and she was always so slightly moving from face to side. CRAP! Was she in a trance? Our eyes got wider and our whispers ceased. We were too frightened to go or speak. This was creepy and we had no thought what to do almost any of it.

The next thing we knew the cupboard door burst open my stupid cousin T (a boy of course) is standing there going, "Boooooo" with a sheet covering him. First we screamed. Then we laughed. And then we tackled him and pounded him a few good ones.

Oh, and the trance, that was merely to give us off from the noises in the bedroom.

Of course, this was Nothing compared to the seance we had at a Halloween party when we were in 5th grade. But, that's a story for another day.

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