Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Journal Entry: The Spooky Review!

The Spooky Review!
It was a chip May morning with the sky getting light sooner than in most of the months and I woke up extra early. I wonder why this happens to people when theyare about to go anti-routine for a day. My understanding was to catchthe morning register of the latest horror flick 'Haunted' (not to leave the 3D written in brackets!).

The whole plan materialised within a pair of minutes on a social networking site with an old friend. She proposed the mind and I accepted inspite of the moderate reviews that the picture had received.

After sweating inorder to get a rickshaw and cursing (in my mind) the rickshaw-wallas who refused, I managed to get control of one and reached the cinema hall. True it did not start like the typical beginnings that I have experienced for most of the movies I watch. We first had to get rid of a guy who had usurped my friend's seat (as it was a centre seat!). The 3D glasses were pretty average or should I say the movie reel. The glasses kept sliding down to my nose everytime and I had to make them steadily with one paw on them throughout the movie!The movie began with the protagonist named Rehan, a US returned fellow coming down to sell Glen Mansion only tovisit a morgue straightaway as one of the servants in the manison died of heart failure! He then visits the spooky mansion to recover a portrayal of a young gentlewoman in one of the suite and err . . . gets mesmerised. The daughter had lived in that house approximately 80 years ago but boy. . . the picture was justthe kind we get today (I didn't know they had suchtechnology back in 1936!)

Moving before the clock strikes 3am and so begins the fun. A word falls down the ledge and the film screen moves in several rooms (It was alleged to be from the ghost's eye view). The background score indicating the evil spirit's presence was rather funny because to me it sounded like someone snoring and I couldn't stifle my giggles. Well this goes on for twonights with the poltergeist being very punctual (when the clock struck 3). At first one would mean that the daughter had turned into a poltergeist but behold. . .she was a right life who washeld in captivity by the bad spirit! Our macho man is decreased to tears by the girl's plight and decides to keep her soul. 'But how?' is the billion dollar question. He goes to another lady and the only thing she tells him is not to handle the heart by his list as it would give him powerful (Whoa!)

This does not end our hero who stands in the eye of the big hall and shouts Iyer. . . Iyer. . . Iyer (the ghost's name). A grouping of boys sitting to our leftcooed Iyer. . .Krishnan Iyer. . . Venugopal Krishnan Iyer and the full row burst out laughing. Coming second to the scene, the hero shouts his name thrice and moments later three bulbs go out in the hall (Psst. . . I think the poltergeist had sucked their watts to add to his watt-power. . . I mean, his bhoot power) Sadly, nothing much interesting happens that night. The following morning Rehan gets hold of a guy in tattered clothes who keeps telling him "Terese hoga, terese hi hoga" God, why do we ever have such a case in Hindi movies?! He too does stupid stuff like blowing the dope from his chillum on Rehan's wound and set it instantly (Wow!)

He tells Rehan to feel Meera's pain. Macho does that and poof!. . . he is transported to the year 1936 where he tries to save Meera. Honestly, this whole set-up reminded me of the Terminator series. Tracking Meera was no big pile and and needless to say,he falls in bed with her (Imagine thisjodi in2011 with approximately ahundred year gap between them! Well then began the whole run and chase game with a church priest advising them to go to a maulvi who lived approximately 120 miles away. "How do we celebrate the evil heart in confirmation? He might pursue us"points the Stanford University MBA, Mr Rehan. The priest says, "I'll pray for you. He wouldn't be capable to hurt you now as tenacious as I pray." Well in the following scene the priest dies. I have ever had a question on such occurences. If a person advices the others on methods to relieve themselves from evil spirits, why can't hefollow themhimself?

Alright the guys make the maulvi and behold. . .he turns out to be the tattered psycho Rehan had met earlier. I must say eighty years after he hadn't changed one bit!
Next time you go for such a movieleave your brain home Itold myself.The maulvi gives thema methodto destroy the spirit. He tells them to go another mile ("Nonsense!" I muttered to my friend) He likewise gives a glass bottle filled with holy water to guard off the spirit temporarily. Alas, the glass bottle breaks with the water spilling out and leaving our leading lady helpless while the bhoot builds concrete walls between her and our macho. (Next time usea little common sense andask for a plastic bottle lady!)

I wouldn't say you anything more but what I can certainly say is learn it if you are in a dire need for a goodlaugh. The game is a little ridiculous and the bhoot's make-up too! Grab your friends and go if you so like to see it. The better part during such moviesis the variety of comments you get to see in a cinema hall fromfellow viewers.Some of them would leave you in splits for a few minutes and that is what gives you a paisa-vasool movie!

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